2024年8月29日 Many of Miki Kariya’s works will be introduced in the Art Collection Nakano booth at KIAF Seoul 2024, which will be held from Wednesday, September 4th to Sunday, September 8th.
KIAF Seoul 2024ー仮屋美紀出品お知らせ
韓国を代表するアートフェア「韓国国際アートフェア」(Korea International Art Fair SEOUL、通称「Kiaf SEOUL」)、通称Kiaf SEOULが、今年も開催されます。会期は9月4日〜8日。フリーズ・ソウルと会場を同じくし、同時開催となります。会場となるのはソウルの大型展示場・COEX。今年は世界中から206のギャラリーが集まり、バンコク、北京、ロンドン、マドリード、ニューヨーク、ローマ、ソウル、シドニー、テヘラン、東京などの都市から36のギャラリーが初めてフェアに参加する。
Many of Miki Kariya’s works will be introduced in the Art Collection Nakano booth at KIAF Seoul 2024, which will be held from Wednesday, September 4th to Sunday, September 8th.
Korea’s leading art fair,`Korea International Art Fair SEOUL’ (also known as -Kiaf SEOUL), will be held again this year.
The exhibition period is September 4th to 8th. It will be held at the same venue as Freeze Soul and at the same time. The venue will be COEX, a large exhibition hall in Seoul. This year, 206 galleries will gather from around the world, with 36 galleries participating in the fair for the first time from cities such as Bangkok, Beijing, London, Madrid, New York, Rome, Seoul, Sydney, Tehran and Tokyo.